Status: Open (View Workflow)
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: None
Story Points:3
Sprint:2DDRP-2021 A3, 2DDRP-2021 A 4, 2DDRP-2021 A5, 2DDRP-2021 A 6, 2DDRP-2021 A 7, 2DDRP-2021 A 8, 2DDRP-2021 A 10
As discussed during the internal Princeton Group telecon 2021-03-22, please go through the recent stability data acquired at Subaru this year, identifying those visits which are 'good' and those which are problematic, due to hardware configuration changes, significant SCR temperature variations, etc. This requires sifting through the relevant logs etc.
The 'good' visits will be passed on to the automatic pipeline for subsequent processing and analysis.
- blocks
PIPE2D-711 Coordinate regeneration of CALIB registry on summit
- Open
PIPE2D-791 Stability tests: separate visits into calibration and 'science'
- Open
- relates to
PIPE2D-727 Regenerate calib for SuNSS
- Won't Fix