Status: Open (View Workflow)
Resolution: Unresolved
Component/s: ets_shuffle
This is an overarching ticket to rewrite HETDEX' shuffle for PFS.
Shuffle will identify guides stars for PFS and produce finder charts.
- shuffle should now find and select suitable guide star candidates in the guid camera footprints
- it should know about the PFI focal plane geometry (and it's much larger footprint)
- deal with free position angles
- all HETDEX legacy code should be removed.
- is blocked by
FIBERALLOC-27 Interface to opDB to retrieve tile locations and PAs, store results in opDB
- Open
FIBERALLOC-29 Interface shuffle to appropriate PFS libraries
- Open
FIBERALLOC-30 Resolve issue of late finder chart images, i.e. where to retrieve ~ 2 Deg x 2 Deg images on the fly.
- Open
FIBERALLOC-31 Run shuffle for a representative example of tile positions in GA/GE/COS
- Open
FIBERALLOC-32 Integrate shuffle into Yabe-san’s survey simulation
- Open
FIBERALLOC-28 Update code to find guide star candidates in guide camera footprints
- Done