Type: Task
Status: Open (View Workflow)
Priority: Normal
Resolution: Unresolved
Component/s: ets_fiberalloc
Integrate the fiber to target allocation and the shuffle code into the general workflow. Enable retrieval of shot locations from opDB, running ETS, storing fiber to object locations in opDB. Implement a solution for the situation of partially completed observing programs or a change of programs and re-optimisations. Make sure these codes run in the Subaru/NAOJ/IPMU environments.
- is blocked by
FIBERALLOC-17 Interface ETS to opDB
- Open
FIBERALLOC-18 Interface ETS to appropriate PFS libraries
- Open
FIBERALLOC-19 Interface collision calculation to latest cobra information
- Open
FIBERALLOC-21 Install EUPS (=in LSST Stack?) on MPA/E test machine
- Open
FIBERALLOC-22 Run ETS for a representative example in GA/GE/COS
- Open
FIBERALLOC-23 Resolve runtime issues of Gurobi Optimizer
- Open
FIBERALLOC-24 Negotiate target system at IPMU/NAOJ/Subaru and availability of Gurobi
- Open
FIBERALLOC-25 Integrate ETS into Yabe-san’s survey simulation
- Open
FIBERALLOC-20 Install local instance of opDB for testing at MPA/E
- In Review