Type: Task
Status: Done (View Workflow)
Priority: Normal
Resolution: Done
Component/s: None
As reported on INSTRM-1446, pfsConfig files (PFSF*fits) failed to archive on STARS because of missing header cards, namely DATA-TYP, EQUINOX, RA2000, DEC2000, RADECSYS, WCS-ORIG
Note that FITS committee is thinking there are many constraints to archive the metadata like the pfsConfig files in the same framework as the detector data, and trying to discuss how to archive the metadata.
Note: as commented below RA, DEC, DATE-OBS, EQUINOX, DATA-TYP, PROP-ID, FRAMEID cards should be sorted out.
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INSTRM-1913 iic needs to pass the exposure type in to sps.fits.getPfsConfigCards()
- Done