Status: Done (View Workflow)
Resolution: Done
Component/s: None
Story Points:6
Sprint:SM1PD-2020 G2, SM1PD-2020 H
In order to process SM1 calibration data (biases, darks dithered flats) through the 2D DRP pipeline using the onsite/offside YAML mechanism being developed by sogo.mineo at NAOJ, we need to implement the logic of identifying the appropriate visits that should be used.
The agreement so far is to follow the approach cloomis posted on the slack #drp-2d channel on 2020-06-10:
I have been pushing for using the sequence caller ( sequence_type ) and major iic command ( name ), and requiring that the values for those be made useful for our decisions (e.g. name ==
Unknown macro: {masterBias, masterDark, ditheredFlat}). I still think that is an OK idea. I think it is better than simply looking at the visit-by-visit progression of the exposure types as they come off the system (bias-bias-bias-dark-arc-object-bias, etc) and deducing what to do.
This needs to be elaborated, and implemented in the ICS, and related updates made to the opDB if necessary (which will be subject to a separate, future, ticket).
- relates to
INSTRM-1065 add dedicated iic commands for calibration data (masterBias, masterDark ...)
- Done
PIPE2D-423 Regular DRP processing of LAM and Subaru data
- In Progress
INSTRM-1026 Add counter for physical SM configuration changes
- Done
INSTRM-1035 Add fpaMoved keyword
- Done
INSTRM-1036 Generate hexapodMoved, gratingMoved at end of hexapod, rda move
- Done