Status: Done (View Workflow)
Resolution: Done
Component/s: ics_agccActor, spt_operational_database
We need tables in the operational database to store information about A&G camera exposures and parameters of detected candidate guide stellar objects by the AGCC actor. We may be able to model the tables after those for MCS and start our discussion with something like the following two tables:
1. agc_exposure table
- frame_id (int4 or int8)
- pfs_visit_id (int4)
- exptime (float4)
- taken_at (timestamp)
- azimuth (float4)
- altitude (float4)
- inr (float4)
- adc (float4)
2. agc_data table
- frame_id (int4 or int8)
- camera_id (int2)
- spot_id (int2)
- image_moment_00 (float4)
- centroid_x or image_moment_10 (float4)
- centroid_y or image_moment_01 (float4)
- central_image_moment_11 (float4)
- central_image_moment_20 (float4)
- central_image_moment_02 (float4)
- (TBD for higher order central image moments)
- peak_pixel_x (int2)
- peak_pixel_y (int2)
- peak_intensity (int2?)
- background (float4)
- relates to
INSTRM-1110 Factor out telescope and environmental conditions into new table(s)
- Done
INSTRM-1287 Add centroiding and Database interaction to agcc actor
- Done