Status: Done (View Workflow)
Resolution: Done
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: None
Story Points:2
Paul reports (slack, #drp-2d on Thursday, May 16th, 2019) that when analyzing the exposure with visitid=13183 he finds:
that Here’s the width of each fiber (except the two close to each other):
```0 2.68939032411
1 2.633987716362 2.08473567312
3 1.86881057574
4 1.81323757688
5 1.64066318482
6 1.53396636169
7 1.53255265524
8 1.45133603564
9 1.40209867151
10 1.38059525031
11 1.31285056784
12 1.27757783073
13 1.24954811736```
Sure looks like optics to me, what with that tilt.
This would imply huge differences between the PSF on the left and right hand side of the detector. I believe that this data should have been properly aligned, even thought they had the wrong stop (F/3.3)
This ticket is to 1. investigate this claim, 2. see if this is still the case in the data taken with the F/2.8 stop .
- relates to
PIPE2D-415 Sometimes pfsArm has less elements than number of fibers in the image
- Done