Status: Done (View Workflow)
Resolution: Done
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 6.0
Component/s: None
Story Points:2
Epic Link:
Sprint:2DDRP-2019 C, 2DDRP-2019 D, 2DDRP-2019 E, 2DDRP-2019 F, 2DDRP-2019 G, 2DDRP-2019 H, 2DDRP-2019 I, 2DDRP-2019 J, 2DDRP-2019 K
Define a class for the 2D PSF.
This could be an extension of the LSST Psf class, but that is to be determined.
- blocks
PIPE2D-348 Write a function to persist a {{Psf}} object
- Done
PIPE2D-326 Implement arc subtraction algorithm in 2D
- Done
- relates to
PIPE2D-342 Define {{Lsf}} class
- Done
DAMD-9 Add a specification of the 1-D PSF to pfsArm and pfsObject files
- Open