Status: Done (View Workflow)
Resolution: Done
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 6.0
Component/s: None
Story Points:4
Epic Link:
Sprint:2DDRP-2019 C, 2DDRP-2019 D, 2DDRP-2019 E, 2DDRP-2019 G, 2DDRP-2019 H, 2DDRP-2019 I, 2DDRP-2019 J, 2DDRP-2021 A
Define a class for Line Spread Function information. This should ideally be a subset of the Psf class and thus have similar methods, such that it and the Psf class can be used in generic code.
How the LSF is stored internally in given Lsf instance needs to be determined, as an analytical form may be useful in addition to a numerical form (an array of amplitudes versus x-position).
- blocks
PIPE2D-349 Write a function to persist a {{Lsf}} object
- Won't Fix
PIPE2D-333 Construct a 1D LSF from a 2D PSF
- Done
- relates to
PIPE2D-346 Provide a method for determining the LSF as a function of fiber and wavelength
- Done
DAMD-9 Add a specification of the 1-D PSF to pfsArm and pfsObject files
- Open
PIPE2D-343 Define {{Psf}} class
- Done