Type: Task
Status: Open (View Workflow)
Priority: Normal
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: None
We are looking at some of quartz data taken by run18. The quartz were taken in seven sets with sequence observing parameters: (HOME+InR=0), (non-HOME+InR!=0), (non-HOME+InR=0), (HOME+InR=0). We have known what their flux looks like in the focal place in the first and the last parameter cases, but we do not know for two intermediate cases. So then, we analyze what's going on with quartz data when we move the instrument. For the current result, we could not find any dramatic change among one set, and I could not find any notable substructure, such as a spider arm (maybe we need information about the photodiode?).
Figure description:
- We measured normalized flux via pfsArm.flux/pfsArm.norm divided by its median.
- 2D image: we plotted 2sigma normalized flux per fiber, median per fiber, and also plotted normalized flux at two wavelengths (e.g., 708, 794 [nm] for r/m-arm)
- 1D spec: We selected two MTPs. One is D0-2; this MTP is known as the one with a large air gap. Another MTP is U2-2, which is known to show no air gap.
- currently attached file is for only set1. I will update the results with all sets.-
- set5 to 7 have no quartz with (HOME+InR=0)
- relates to
INSTRM-2304 Analyse quartz/twilight uniformity taken at different INSROT from EngRun17
- Done