Type: Task
Status: Open (View Workflow)
Priority: Normal
Resolution: Unresolved
Component/s: ics_testsActor
Story Points:5
Sprint:SM1PD-2020 J, SM1PD-2020 M, SM1PD-2020 N, SM1PD-2021 A, SM1PD-2021 A 2, SM1PD-2021 A 3, SM1PD-2021 A 4, SM1PD-2021 A 5, SM1PD-2021 A 6, SM1PD-2021 A7, SM1PD-2021 A8, SM1PD-2021 A9, SM1PD-2021 A10, SM1PD-2021 A 11, SM1PD-2021 A 12, SM1PD-2021 A 13, SM1PD-2021 A 14
I think we should add a success criteria for the fpaRange test of the focus motors.
this could be based on the fact that the full travel is done: the 2 switches were pushed during the full travel move.
this could be also done on a criteria the range itself, like greater than xxx microns. one issue is that the Blue and Red range is not the same. (even if a recent bug was discovered and we will confirm that on B2 at LAM).