Type: Task
Status: Open (View Workflow)
Priority: Normal
Resolution: Unresolved
Component/s: None
Story Points:1
Sprint:postRun19Oct, preRun20Jan
I'm now parsing an additional metadata argument which contains visit0,sequenceId,groupId
- ccd_r1(read object visit=98813 exptime=10.001 pfsDesign=0x5e8e336d552a2276,"None,None,None,None" metadata=98810,28161,-1 darktime=20.813 obstime=2024-11-06T11:58:53.267633)
- hx_n1(ramp nread=4 visit=98813 pfsDesign=0x5e8e336d552a2276,"None,None,None,None" metadata=98810,28161,-1 exptype=object expectedExptime=10.0)
this needs to be added or the command will be rejected.
- is blocked by
INSTRM-2384 Pass group and sequence IDs from iic to DAQ actors
- Done