Type: Story
Status: Done (View Workflow)
Priority: Normal
Resolution: Done
Component/s: pfs_utils.
Story Points:1
The current values in pfsDesignUtils.py are fakeRa, fakeDec = 100, -89.99, but that value is too close to the pole to do something simple such as
ra = fakeRa + pfiNominal[:, 0]/3600 dec = fakeDec + pfiNominal[:, 1]/3600
as that results in unphysical declinations. If you scale the nominal positions by such a small number that they don't have this problem, they are too close to each other to have distinct SHAs (as the pfsDesignId rounds to 1 arc second).
Please fix this, and add a utility routine to generate usable (fake!) (ra, dec) values from pfi positions. N.b. the current code doesn't check that the provided coordinates are consistent with the boresight; this routine would circumvent that problem, but we should check.