Type: Task
Status: Open (View Workflow)
Priority: Normal
Resolution: Unresolved
Component/s: ics_dcbActor
Because the linewheel of DCB2 has broken, it is disconnected from raspi to fix the hole position. After it, only qthwheel is connected, and it is treated as if it is linewheel, although the port configuration looks correct.
Here is a log duling initialisation when two wheels are connected, and when only qth wheel is connected.
1) two wheels are connected
2023-11-22 20:24:35.204Z filterwheel 10 bufferedSocket.py:129 received 'port0 = UL port1 = LL' 2023-11-22 20:24:35.204Z cmds 20 CommandLink.py:122 > 2 32 i text="port0 = UL port1 = LL" 2023-11-22 20:24:35.205Z filterwheel 10 bufferedSocket.py:129 received 'lineid = 0' 2023-11-22 20:24:35.205Z cmds 20 CommandLink.py:122 > 2 32 i text="lineid = 0" 2023-11-22 20:24:57.779Z filterwheel 10 bufferedSocket.py:129 received 'Calibrating FW 0' 2023-11-22 20:24:57.779Z cmds 20 CommandLink.py:122 > 2 32 i text="Calibrating FW 0" 2023-11-22 20:24:57.780Z filterwheel 10 bufferedSocket.py:129 received 'attached 2 filter wheel(s):' 2023-11-22 20:24:57.780Z cmds 20 CommandLink.py:122 > 2 32 i text="attached 2 filter wheel(s):" 2023-11-22 20:24:57.780Z filterwheel 10 bufferedSocket.py:129 received 'index 0: ID 0 Name EFW' 2023-11-22 20:24:57.780Z cmds 20 CommandLink.py:122 > 2 32 i text="index 0: ID 0 Name EFW" 2023-11-22 20:24:57.780Z filterwheel 10 bufferedSocket.py:129 received 'index 1: ID 1 Name EFW' 2023-11-22 20:24:57.780Z cmds 20 CommandLink.py:122 > 2 32 i text="index 1: ID 1 Name EFW"
2) only qthwheel is connected
2023-12-14 00:44:29.916Z filterwheel 10 bufferedSocket.py:129 received 'port0 = |UL| port1 = |LL|' 2023-12-14 00:44:29.916Z cmds 20 CommandLink.py:122 > 2 205 i text="port0 = |UL| port1 = |LL|" 2023-12-14 00:44:29.937Z filterwheel 10 bufferedSocket.py:129 received 'Calibrating FW 1' 2023-12-14 00:44:29.937Z cmds 20 CommandLink.py:122 > 2 205 i text="Calibrating FW 1" 2023-12-14 00:44:29.937Z filterwheel 10 bufferedSocket.py:129 received 'attached 1 filter wheel(s):' 2023-12-14 00:44:29.937Z cmds 20 CommandLink.py:122 > 2 205 i text="attached 1 filter wheel(s):" 2023-12-14 00:44:29.938Z filterwheel 10 bufferedSocket.py:129 received 'index 0: ID 0 Name EFW' 2023-12-14 00:44:29.938Z cmds 20 CommandLink.py:122 > 2 205 i text="index 0: ID 0 Name EFW"