Type: Task
Status: Won't Fix (View Workflow)
Priority: Normal
Resolution: Won't Fix
Component/s: None
In order to fit the templates to the PSFs in the AG camera, the agccActor and centroiding routine need
- dZ: the offset in focus compared to the focus in autoguider. This can be calculated from the database if the value of m2_pos3 for a focussed autoguider is known.
- the reference positions of the stars in the focussed image
- the template themselves
The first two items could be obtained from agc_exposure if the agc_exposure_id for the reference image is known.
The third item could be stored in pfs_instdata (and, if necessary, updated in the same way as other calibration files).
- blocks
INSTRM-1817 Implement code for fitting PSF templates to out of focus AG images
- Won't Fix