Type: Task
Status: Open (View Workflow)
Priority: Normal
Resolution: Unresolved
Component/s: None
Story Points:1
A few of us have noticed inconsistencies between the value of the OBJECT keyword and the actual data taken for certain visits during the Sep 2022 Engineering Run. These are copied from comments in ticket INSTRM-1727:
Visits 79990..79997, which are scienceArc s, have been accidentally assigned OBJECT=NGC6633.
From Yabe-san:
... for visit=80842 (and probably other visits) OBJECT in the header looks M39 despite we observed NGC1980.
A scheme for interpreting the OBJECT card is the subject of another ticket, INSTRM-1737 but the above are simply errors that should be fixed, by correcting the headers using the obs_pfs mechanism.
- relates to
INSTRM-1737 Set OBJECT card a bit more carefully.
- Open
INSTRM-1727 fixing pfilamps header keys for september22 engRun
- Done