Type: Task
Status: Done (View Workflow)
Priority: Normal
Resolution: Done
Component/s: None
Story Points:3
With the exception of SuNSS-based pfsDesign files (designId=0xdeadbeef), it seems that all pfsDesign files generated so far do not contain any fiberStatus information other than GOOD.
However, as yuki.moritani tells me, of the 2394 available science fibers, 7 are broken, two of those fed to SM1.
Please propagate those broken fibers into future pfsDesign files.
- is blocked by
OBSPROC-30 Review the pfsDesign generation script in 2022Sep run and plan for 2022Nov run
- Done
- relates to
INSTRM-1243 Move pfiDesign accessor from cobraCharmer to pfs_utils
- Open
INSTRM-1729 Cobra .xml file is missing two broken fiber of SM1
- Done