Type: Task
Status: Done (View Workflow)
Priority: Normal
Resolution: Done
Component/s: None
Sprint:preRun18August1, EngRun18August, PostRun18, preRun19Oct2024, postRun19Oct, preRun20Jan
FITS committee looked at PFSC06928100.fits and found a few minor issues. Some of comments in INSTRM-1444 may be also relevant.
- Include queue-related keywords as discussed for PFSA files.
- fomatting for float values need to be checked as pointed out for PFSA files.
- DET-TMP : no value is provided
- OBS-MOD is set as 'SPEC_ENG', but it can be 'IMAG_???'?
- TELFOCUS is set as 'P_OPT2', but it can be 'CS_OPT'?
- FOC-POS is set as 'PRIME', but it can be 'Cassegrain'?
- ADC-TYPE need to be confirmed if 'IN' is preferred.
- BLANK is set as 32767, but is it correct?
- relates to
INSTRM-1444 Issues in PFSA files (based on PFSA06928311 and PFSA06928312)
- Done