Status: Won't Fix (View Workflow)
Resolution: Won't Fix
Component/s: ics_iicActor
Story Points:3
Sprint:SM1PD-2021 A9, SM1PD-2021 A10, SM1PD-2021 A 11, SM1PD-2021 A 12, SM1PD-2021 A 13, EngRun03
We need top-level iic commands which generate pfsDesign and pfsConfig files, based on the configuration of the entire instrument (primarily the sps.lightSource keys, the targeting and FPS information, the DCBx and SuNSS configurations, and the pfs_instdata status ). These would be called at the start of each field or exposure.
It may be that we will want per-SM design/configs, but I think those should be derived from the configuration of the entire instrument. I propose that we always generate files describing all 2604 slit holes and treat those as the single sources for all further HDUs, opdb rows, etc.
An implementation note: any files should be put into per-night directories /data/raw/$date/pfsConfig/, say, just to keepthe pfsDesign directory from becoming a bottleneck.
- relates to
INSTRM-1299 Creation of PfsConfig files for SuNSS/DCB data
- Open
INSTRM-1348 Ingest pfsDesign/pfsConfig files to opDB
- Done
INSTRM-1214 Creating pfsDesign objects from multiple light sources
- Open