Status: Done (View Workflow)
Resolution: Done
Component/s: ics_iicActor
Story Points:1
Sprint:SM1PD-2020 J
Per discussions on the drp-2d Slack channel, we agreed to label arc, flat, and object files with distinct names, when those are taken when the instrument is configured "correctly": in focus, dark, at the right temperature, etc.
Specifically, iicActor needs to grow scienceArc, scienceTrace, scienceObject commands, which will in turn insert those names into the appropriate opDb columns. It is up to the caller to decide when to run iicActor scienceArc instead of iicActor arc.
All three of those will eventually make some sanity tests before running. For instance:
- both the FPA and hexapod positions can be checked as being in focus, once the xcu and edu MHS keywords get updated with that info.
- blocks
PIPE2D-640 Write a script to generate YAML by reading opDB
- Done
- is duplicated by
INSTRM-1088 add dedicated iic commands for expected nominal arcs and flats(fiberTrace)
- Won't Fix