Type: Task
Status: Done (View Workflow)
Priority: Normal
Resolution: Done
Component/s: None
I would like to propose to create a GitHub repository for a web app for the PFS exposure time calculator (ETC). The app is a kind of wrapper, but it would be reasonable to have a separate repository because it uses a bit customized version of the original ETC which is not well tested for general use (especially for command line usage, S/N([OII]), catalog processing, etc.
The request for the repository is listed as follows.
- Repository name: spt_etc_webapp
- Description about repository: PFS spectral simulator web app using PFS Exposure Time * * Calculator and Spectrum Simulator
- Project on JIRA: OBSPROC
- Responsibility: NAOJ
- License: MIT
If you have any nice repository names in mind, please let us know.