Status: Done (View Workflow)
Resolution: Done
Story Points:1
Sprint:2DDRP-2021 A
Currently the datamodel.txt defines a hash as a 63-bit unsigned int, fitted into 64 bit signed integers:
In various places I refer to a SHA-1, which is a strong 160-bit hash, as used by e.g. git
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-1). We truncate these hashes to 63bits (so as to fit
in standard 64-bit signed integers). Sixty-three bits would produce up to 2^63 ~ 9e18 values.
This is currently inconsistent with the datamodel.utils.createHash() function, where a 64-bit hash is generated:
Fix this discrepancy following the proposal by Sogo Mineo and Craig Loomis in the datamodel channel 2020-11-06, by updating the datamodel.txt text mentioned above, such that a 64-bit hash is generated, in line with createHash, and that this hash can be fitted into a standard 64-bit signed integer.
This will allow identifiers such as the pfsDesignId, which use that hash, to be stored in the opDB Postgres database, using a standard bigint or int8 data type, without need for additional conversion routines, as discussed in INSTRM-1096.
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INSTRM-1096 Add {{pfs_visit.pfs_design_id}} column
- Done