About Subaru-PFS GitHub organization

Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) places its all repositories in Subaru-PFS GitHub organization. To request new repositories, file a ticket to INFRA project at PFS JIRA.


2D DRP repositories (drp_stella, drp_stella_data, drp_instmodel, drp_instdata, obs_pfs; colorized in the table following) are under GPLv3, some SPT repositories are under MIT (colorized in the table), and all other repositories are under GPLv2.

Repositories are categorized by their headings of names as follows:

Repositories for project general
Repositories for scripts for development and analysis
Instrument Control Software (ICS) repositories
Data Reduction Pipeline (DRP) repositories
Exposure Targetting Software (ETS) repositories, includes fiber assignment.
Survey Planning and Targetting (SPT) sofotware, includes survey coordination and operation, exposure time calculator, and so on.
Science database reposiories

Note that 2DDRP have a few exceptions to follow lsst.

Package Category GitHub repository Software module's description
Project wide DAMD datamodel PFS Datamodel
INFRA doc Project wide documents
pfs_www_pipe Contents of pfspipe.ipmu.jp web site
Tools pfs_pipe2d A package to build and test the 2D pipeline (TravisCI)
pfs_utils PFS modules shared across ICS or with DRP
pfs_obslog A tool to support observation. It provides observers various information of each exposure through its web interface during observation.
pfs_ops_scripts A Scripts for operational purposes
pfs_helpdesk_tutorial a repo to host the webpage of the 2D DRP tutorial.
dev_observation Notebooks used for engineering observations
INSTRM pfs_instdata storage of instrument characteristics files
ICS Instrument general ics_doc ICS design and study documentations
dev_ics Scripts and notebooks for ics development
ics_config ICS configuration files
ics_dnsmasq ICS DHCP/DNS configuration (dnsmasq)
ics_ansible Ansible playbook repository for ICS hosts
ics_launch ICS boot procedures
ics_utils Routines shared among ICS actors
ics_testsActor Instrument component tests
ics_pfsGUIActor Graphical User Interface for PFS
ics_pfsPlotActor GUI to display live diagnostic plot
ics_templateGUI A very simple GUI template connected to mhs
Instrument operation ics_sscActor SNMP status collector actor
ics_sthActor SNMP trap handling actor
ics_alertsActor PFS alert logic, and metrology forwarding to STS
ics_gen2Actor The Gen2-to-MHS interface program
ics_iicActor The top-level PFS control actor
PFS_kansoku The OCS files for controlling PFS via ics_gen2Actor
tron tron_tron tron main server module
tron_actorcore Actorcore (client library) of tron
ics_actorkeys ICS actor key repository (command/option, status definitions)
ics_coreActor ICS snippets (actor power on etc.)
ics_archiver tron status archive service
SpS - General ics_spsActor pyqt5 interface to control and monitor spectrograph system
ics_spsGUIActor pyqt5 interface to control and monitor spectrograph system
ics_sequencePanel pyqt user interface to edit and process sequence of mhs commands
ics_sps_webTelemetry python web interface(Flask) to monitor spectrograph sub-systems
ics_gingaActor Actor to trigger real-time visualization of the drpActor postISR images
SpS - ENU ics_enuActor ICS SpS (Spectrograph) ENU (Entrance Unit) controller actor
ics_enu_bsh ENU bia-shutter interlock board firmware
SpS - xCU (camera) ics_xcuActor camera unit controller (actor part)
ics_xcu_fpga xCU BEE FPGA code (VHDL)
ics_xcu_rtdADIO rtd, AD, IO code
ics_xcu_fee FEE (Front End Electronics) board code
ics_xcu_pcm PCM (Power Control Module) board code
ics_xcu_smb Temperature and heater control board
ics_xcu_interlock The firmware for the gate valve interlock controller
ics_xcu_vacgauge The firmware for the new Pfeiffer gauge controller
ics_ccdActor CCD readout control
ics_roughActor Roughing pump and gauge control
ics_regulActor CCD Rough temperature control loop actor
ics_idgActor JHU IDG-specific integration and testing routines
SpS - NCU (IR camera) ics_hxActor The actor which controls H4RGs
SpS - SCR (environment) ics_empActor Environment monitoring (by RasPi for SCR)
SpS - AIT ics_spsaitActor Actor of AIT tools for SpS
ics_sps_engineering_monitorData SpS AIT data monitor
ics_sps_engineering_plotData SpS AIT data plotter (GUI)
ics_sps_engineering_Lib_dataQuery SpS AIT data query library (to database)
ics_sps_engineering_JabberBot SpS AIT bot tool to Jabber (XMPP)
ics_drpActor Actor which automatically ingest and detrend incoming exposures
ics_dcblamActor The actor which control the illumination of the fibers (spectral lamps ...)
ics_dcbActor The actor which control the illumination of the fibers (spectral lamps ...) at SUBARU
dev_sps_analysis Python scripts and notebooks to align and analyse performance of the Spectrograph System (SpS)
PFI ics_fpsActor Fiber Positioning Sequencer (FPS)
ics_pebActor PFI Electric Box interface
ics_fvcActor PFI Fiber Viewing Camera
ics_agccActor AutoGuide Camera Controller
ics_agActor Autoguider actor to determine guiding
ics_mlp1Actor Actor to communicate RA/Dec from telescope
ics_vgwActor Tells Subaru gen2 guide images are avaiable
ics_vlanActor Tells mitsubishi guide images are available
ics_fccActor Field Center Camera
ics_pfiaitActor PFI AIT tools
ics_mps_fpga The FPGA code for the cobras
ics_cobraOps Cobra operation simulator
ics_cobraCharmer Cobra motion control via FPGA
ics_cobraModels Cobra motor models
ics_pfilampsActor The PFI calibration lamp control actor
ics_pfiGUI GUI for PFI
MCS ics_mcsActor Metrology camera system (MCS)
ics_mebActor MCS Electric Box interface
ics_mcsGUI GUI for MCS
Production ics_production_deploy Physical deployment registration
FOCCoS ics_fmsActor To operate fiber monitoring system
SuNSS ics_sunssActor The actor for controlling SuNSS
ics_sunss The SuNSS software running on the pi
DRP General drp_doc Documentation
dev_pipe_e2e A package to build PFS 1D + 2D pipeline and carry out end-to-end testing
drp_edr_config Configuration files in yaml and scripts for the EDR data processing
1D DRP drp_1d Algorithms library for 1D Data Reduction Pipeline
drp_1dpipe 1D Data Reduction Pipeline launcher
GA1D DRP drp_ga_datamodel GA 1D data model
drp_ga_pfsspec_all The main project of the library that the GA pipeline
drp_ga_pfsspec_core Submodule to ga_pfsspec
drp_ga_pfsspec_stellar Submodule to ga_pfsspec, stellar spectroscopy tools, primarily radial velocity fitting
drp_ga1d_abund A data analysis pipeline for the Galactic Archaeology science
drp_ga_pipeline The GA 1D pipeline, currently just a skeleton
2D DRP drp_stella 2D DRP (main)
drp_stella_data Data resource for drp_stella (test data etc.)
drp_instmodel Instrument model
drp_instdata Instrument data simulator
drp_pfs_data PFS 2D pipeline data
obs_pfs Module for LSST/HST pipeline stack to invest and correct PFS images
daf_butler_migrate Database schema migration tools for daf_butler, customized for PFS
drp_fstar F Star Template Generation code
drp_qa QA package for 2ddrp
dev_2ddrp Scripts and notebooks for 2D PFS development
ETS Fiber allocation ets_fiberalloc The fiber allocation software repository
ets_networkflow Within the survey optimization WG we are testing whether the fiber assignment can be carried out using a network flow approach as it was done for SDSS
Observation Preparation ets_shuffle PFS observation preparation tool based on the HETDEX shuffle
ets_pointing Pointing optimization code
ets_target_database Database of observation targets for target selection and fiber allocation
drp_fstar_photo This repository shares codes and documentations to select flux calibration stars (F-stars) based on photometric catalogs.
spt_etc_webapp PFS spectral simulator web app using PFS Exposure Time Calculator and Spectrum Simulator
SPT Survey planning spt_doc Design documentations
Survey simulation spt_ExposureTimeCalculator ETC (Exposure Time Calculator)
Survey database spt_operational_database Survey operational database
spt_qa_database Database to store QA outputs from DRP as well as observation conditions.
OBSPROC pfs_obsproc_planning_tools Tools to run PPP, queue planner, and pfsDesign generation script
pfs_obsproc_qa_tools Tools to run QA procedure
spt_target_uploader A web application to validate and upload target lists with pointing simulations for PFS observation
Sciene Database General scidb_catalog repository for database loading tools
UIs scidb_specView PFS Spectrum Viewer Tool