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  1. DRP 2-D Pipeline
  2. PIPE2D-1244

Plan for data acquisition for July 2023 run



    • Type: Task
    • Status: Done (View Workflow)
    • Priority: Normal
    • Resolution: Done
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: None
    • Component/s: None
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    • Sprint:
      Gen3 transition


      Here is the list of calibration that we need to reduce the data properly based on experience from previous runs :

      • DetectorMap
        Cobra configuration allHome, Full set of arcs and quartzes to fit the detectorMap.
      1. brn arms (one repeat) 15 min ~70-80 min
      2. m arm (one repeat) 15 min ~60 min
      • Flux normalisation
      1. Cobra configuration allHome, set of quartzes (S/N ~ 100) at the dichroic crossover points, with a minimum of 3 exposures
        1. brn arms (one repeat 10 minutes ~100min
        2. bmn arm (one repeat 10 minutes
      2. Cobra configuration allHome, twilight sky
        1. brn arms 20 minutes
        2. bmn arms 20 minutes
      • FiberProfiles
      1. For cobra configurations in [mod4+1 mod4+2 mod4+3 mod4+4]:
        1. get in allHidden config(20min)
          1. quartz brn, 3 repeats, 6 minutes
          2. quartz bmn, 3 repeats, 6 minutes
        2. reveal mod4+x
          1. quartz brn, 3 repeats, 6 minutes
          2. quartz brn For dithers of -0.4, 0.2, 0.0, 0.2, 0.4 pixels, 12 min
          3. quartz bmn, 3 repeats, 6 minutes
          4. quartz bmn For dithers of -0.4, 0.2, 0.0, 0.2, 0.4 pixels, 12 min
      • Detector flats / ditheredFlats
      1. Cobra configuration allHome, n arm is priority.
        1. -6, +6 pixels : 42 positions with 3 repeats, 240 min
      • Sky-subtraction
      1. Move to sky design, brn, 15 min per-plate
      • biases/darks (Telescope not necessary)
      1. brm 2 hours
      2. n arm will be taken every now and then for persistence.
      • background study
      1. With both fiber configuration mod32
        1. Observe with all available spectrograph arms (including both r and m; non-simultaneous across arms is OK; different sources may be observed at different times through the run):
          1. Separately: ring lamps, Gunn quartz, twilight (set exposure to 30k peak in each arm individually)
          2. Separately: each of the arcs, dome fluorescent lamps, night sky with varying amounts of moon (set exposure so that >~ 95% of the lines are unsaturated in each arm individually)
          3. Separately: over-expose each of the arcs (set exposure in each arm individually so that bright lines are very saturated but not bleeding)
          4. Any other input light sources that might be available that I haven't thought of Repeat the above with fiber configuration allHome (to test application of the background model on regular data)
      2. Repeat the above with fiber configuration allHome (to test application of the background model on regular data)
        Do not repeat the over-exposed arcs, just regular arcs


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              • Assignee:
                arnaud.lefur arnaud.lefur
                arnaud.lefur arnaud.lefur
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