Type: Task
Status: Done (View Workflow)
Priority: Normal
Resolution: Done
Component/s: ics_iicActor
Story Points:1
All of the following visits (and several others) were configured with the med res. grating in, and had m-arm FITS files. But some of the pfsConfig files showed r in the ARMS card. For iic/sps, the issues are:
- all the "engineering" visits/designs are wrong
- some of the pfsDesigns (calspec and allfluxstd) had incorrect ARMS. Not iic's problem, but it should respond better.
We think the pfsConfig files should always match the physical configuration. If the grating position and the pfsDesign conflict, either the exposure should be rejected, or the grating moved to match the pfsDesign, or some forceGrating argument should be required.
pfsConfig name ARMS DSGN_NAM ------------------------- ---- ------------------------------------------ 0x70b4acc77695a624-110023.fits brn cobraHome-MOD4_group2 0x70b4acc77695a624-110024.fits brn cobraHome-MOD4_group2 0x06790bc0ce68e0d3-110264.fits brn cobraHome 0x662cf9deec5c1ce9-110266.fits br phiCrossing-2022-06-19 0x662cf9deec5c1ce9-110267.fits br phiCrossing-2022-06-19 [ ... ] 0x0045d686a297b83b-110439.fits bmn PPC_M_96207814 0x2b06fae346c34863-110464.fits br calspec_3944_sm3_pa+00_run16_fluxstd_v3.3 0x2cf7af63a300c1e6-110489.fits bmn PPC_M_20511660 0x35160c54f442dcb0-110504.fits br allfluxstd_field2_pa+00_run16_fluxstd_v3.3 0x35160c54f442dcb0-110522.fits br allfluxstd_field2_pa+00_run16_fluxstd_v3.3 0x35160c54f442dcb0-110523.fits br allfluxstd_field2_pa+00_run16_fluxstd_v3.3 0x356b50cd140b34e5-110491.fits bmn PPC_M_35334630 0x6d832ca291636984-110480.fits bmn ga1_pa+90_run16_fluxstd_v3.3 0x6d832ca291636984-110481.fits bmn ga1_pa+90_run16_fluxstd_v3.3 0x7a726bf04d6bedfa-110441.fits bmn PPC_M_33407196 0x51773baa1a359f2e-110541.fits br thetaCrossing-2022-06-19 0x51773baa1a359f2e-110543.fits br thetaCrossing-2022-06-19