Type: Task
Status: Open (View Workflow)
Priority: Normal
Resolution: Unresolved
Component/s: None
At present ADC status is recorded only once with key "ADC". Subaru FITS regulation requires ADC-STR/ADC-END. Implementation was skipped to start PFSA file in the 2023 Feburuary run, but this needs to be implemented for operation. Here is a copy of Craig's comment in INSTRM-1444:
All but adding ADC-END are easy and done (ics_actorkeys 1.5.7, ics_utils 1.5.5, ics_ccdActor 1.8.10).
For any gen2 card we want multiple values for (axis/rotator/adc/etc for PFSB reads, xxx-STR/xxx-END pairs for ADC, rotator, etc) I need to do some significant work: it does require a round trip call to the gen2Actor, but cannot at all block, ever.