Type: Task
Status: Done (View Workflow)
Priority: Normal
Resolution: Done
Component/s: None
Story Points:4
Currently, we masked out 18 FFs, including not-illuminated and unstable for reducing the error in coordinate transformation. Those information are coded in MCS actor.
outerRingIds = [29, 30, 31, 61, 62, 64, 93, 94, 95, 96] fidsOuterRing = fids[fids.fiducialId.isin(outerRingIds)] badFids = [1,32,34,61,68,75,88,89,2,4,33,36,37,65,66,67,68,69] goodFids = list(set(fids['fiducialId'].values)-set(badFids)) fidsGood = fids[fids.fiducialId.isin(goodFids)]
It is needed to include those information in a better way.
- relates to
INSTRM-1553 Updating the cobra geometry determination algorithm
- Done
INSTRM-1559 Disable unstable FF during the coordinate transformation
- Done
INSTRM-1573 Implement the function to filter out unstable FFs in FPS actor
- Done
INSTRM-1574 Store disabled FF information
- Done
INSTRM-1581 Adding a mask field to the fiducial fiber table in opDB
- Done