Type: Task
Status: Done (View Workflow)
Priority: Normal
Resolution: Done
Component/s: None
We need a loader for the cobra_geometry and cobra_geometry_calib_id tables, from a given PFI XML file.
As a reminder, the PfiDesign objects are fetchable given pfs_utils and ics_cobraCharmer. e.g.
cloomis@shell-ics:~$ setup pfs_utils cloomis@shell-ics:~$ setup ics_cobraCharmer cloomis@shell-ics:~$ python In [1]: from pfs.utils import butler In [2]: b = butler.Butler() In [3]: pfi = b.get('moduleXml', moduleName='ALL', version='') # Some of the essential fields: In [5]: pfi.centers, pfi.L1, pfi.L2, pfi.tht0, pfi.tht1, pfi.phiIn, pfi.phiOut
- blocks
INSTRM-1643 Add "publish" script for PFI geometry
- Done