Type: Task
Status: Done (View Workflow)
Priority: Normal
Resolution: Done
Component/s: None
Story Points:2
We need a range of STS ids assigned for the PFI, like we have for the spectrographs. 200, maybe? Looks like there are <30 from the pebActor, and there will possibly be 42*2 from the FPGA?
Should discuss whether we want to have per-board alarms, or aggregate them. We will already be aggregating per-cobra info. Maybe per-board is a good middle ground?
- blocks
INSTRM-1315 Assign STS ids to fpsActor actorkeys
- Open
INSTRM-1312 Allocate and wire in STS ids and alerts for PFI (PEB)
- Done
INSTRM-1314 Assign STS ids to pebActor actorkeys
- Done