Type: Task
Status: Done (View Workflow)
Priority: Normal
Resolution: Done
Component/s: ics_ccdActor, ics_hxActor
Story Points:5
Sprint:SM1PD-2020 J, SM1PD-2020 M, SM1PD-2020 N, SM1PD-2021 A, SM1PD-2021 A 2
One of the requests from the PFSA01894911_20200619 comments was to add Subaru-specific spectroscopy cards:
- Spectroscopy keywords All spec. keywords are missing in the present header While most of them are for slit spectroscopy and may be omitted for PFS, (->needs to update Subaru rule. what other spec instruments do?) necessary information such as wavelength range and orientation of dispersion should be covered by some basic or instrument-dependent keywords WAVELEN WAV-MAX WAV-MIN SLIT SLTCPIX1 SLTCPIX2 SLT-LEN SLT-PA SLT-WID DISPAXIS DISPERSR
DISPAXIS is easy and I'll do it right away: 1 for CCDs, 2 for NIR. Note that after DRP IRP the NIR exposures will probably be rotated to have dispersion along columns, to match the CCDs. So the DISPAXIS card would only be valid for raw data.
I take it we can ignore all the SLit cards. For now, at least.
For DISPRSR and the three WAV cards can we use names and values from the first measurement paper, which also show up in Yabe-san's curated tables in spt_exposureTimeCalculator? Those are for the full bandpass (not between the 50% levels of the dichroics, etc.), and will not be good to better than several nm:
Arm | Wavelength range | Central Wavelength | Fringe frequency |
Blue | 380-650 nm | 519 nm | 711 mm^-1 |
Red | 630-970 nm | 805 nm | 557 mm^-1 |
NIR | 940-1260 nm | 1107 nm | 570 mm^-1 |
Med | 710-885 nm | 799 nm | 1007 mm^-1 |
In particular, for the WAVELEN card can we just use the central wavelength of the bandpass, or will we need to figure out which wavelength falls on the central row/column? The NAOJ examples have values down to 0.001 nm, which worries me
We need some convention for DISPRSR. A proposal, based on the NAOJ example would be "VPH_$fringesPerMm_$centralWave"? Add "low" vs "high" for red? I.e "VPH_711_519nm" or "VPH_low_557_805nm"? The red medium assembly is slightly different (adds prisms) but does it matter?
- relates to
INSTRM-578 Create WCS for science detectors
- Done
INSTRM-1023 Minor FITS edits
- Done