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  1. Data Model
  2. DAMD-127

Definition of pfsReference




      We have pfsReference which includes the best-fit model template (or set) of flux standards. pfsReference is generated from `calculateReferenceFlux` and then is passed to `fluxCalibrate`. The datamodel definition has been not yet fixed and is not mentioned in datamodel.txt. We propose its definition here. Although this definition can change because we are developing flux calibration, we share our thought with you and we would like to get feedback from you. We will update datamodel.txt according to the discussion here.
      The biggest change from the initial assumption in the documents is that pfsReference includes the model template set of a single visit. pfsReference is initially assumed to inherit PfsSimpleSpectrum which represents a spectrum of a single object
      https://github.com/Subaru-PFS/datamodel/blob/92c6865d560524971530f000162ebdc59b51308b/python/pfs/datamodel/drp.py#L31 )

      Our proposal:
      Reference model
      The reference model set is a product from `calculateReferenceFlux` and is stored in the pfsReference file. pfsReference is used in the `fluxCalibrate` procedure together with pfsMerged to produce flux-calibrated spectra. pfsReference should include the wavelength and flux of the reference spectra of standard stars. Optionally, the information useful in debugging for developers are included in pfsReference. We propose that pfsReference includes multiple objects in a visit like pfsMerged.
      The reference model set is saved to:
      "pfsReference-%06d.fits" % (visit,)
      The file has several HDUs:
      HDU #0 PDU
      HDU #1 FIBERID Fiber identifier [32-bit INT] NFIBER
      HDU #2 WAVELENGTH Wavelength in units of nm [FLOAT] NROW*NFIBER
      HDU #3 FLUX Flux of reference models in units of nJy [FLOAT] NROW*NFIBER
      HDU #4 FITFLAG Flag if the fitting was successful or not [32-bit INT] NFIBER
      HDU #5 PDF PDFs and Chi-square of fitting [FLOAT] NFIBER*6 optional
      HDU #6 METADATA Table of by-products [BINARY TABLE] optional
      PDU includes the visit number.
      HDU #4 includes the flag of whether the fitting process was successful or not. This flag also includes the causes of failure.
      HDUs #5 and 6 are for debugging. HDU #5 includes the probability distribution functions and chi-squares of three types: broad-band SED fitting, spectral fitting, and combined one of both. HDU #6 is a binary table of by-products from the calculateReferenceFlux process, which at least includes the stellar parameters of the reference models, the estimated radial velocity, the fitting parameters to continuum, the scaling factor, and Galactic extinction.


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              • Assignee:
                takuji.yamashita Takuji Yamashita
                takuji.yamashita Takuji Yamashita
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